Trying to Understand color
The color wheel or color circle is the basic tool for combining colors. The first circular color diagram was designed by Sir Isaac Newton in 1666.
The color wheel is designed so that virtually any colors you pick from it will look good together. Over the years, many variations of the basic design have been made, but the most common version is a wheel of 12 colors based on the RYB (or artistic) color model. Traditionally, there are a number of color combinations that are considered especially pleasing. These are called color harmonies or color chords and they consist of two or more colors with a fixed relation in the color wheel.
Step #1 – Understand RYB = Red Yellow Blue and from these colors come all the colors of the wheel
Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Colors
In the RYB (or subtractive) color model, the primary colors are red, yellow and blue.The three secondary colors (green, orange and purple) are created by mixing two primary colors.
Another six tertiary colors are created by mixing primary and secondary colors.
Step #2 – Understand how to use your colors. Draw a line on your color wheel between the reds and the greens (only in your mind or just look at the one here)
Warm and Cool colors
Warm colors are vivid and energetic, and tend to advance in space. (think Texas, Arizona, Southern Humid Summers but to give you that energy you will need to incorporate those cool colors or you'll burn up)Cool colors give an impression of calm, and create a soothing impression. (you're gonna use these in snow scenes, in shadows and dang it if it's too hot outside fill your pallet with them and see what you come up with)
White, black and gray are considered to be neutral.
More to come ................. at a later time